Links to helpful Web sites

Part of staying healthy includes staying informed. Below are a few patient education Web sites that we have found to be helpful. You’ll find they provide information and research that could help you understand your body better – or come up with that perfect baby name.

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has helpful information for patients, including easy-to-understand descriptions, causes, warning signs and symptoms, treatment options, prevention techniques

American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology for help in naming your baby or finding information about every imaginable name for your baby

Parenting: Babies & Toddlers has a wealth of information for new parents has a Web section devoted pregnancy and birth and contains a wide range of tools, resources, ideas, and information for the expectant mother.

Medscape covers women’s health and is associated with WebMD

National Osteoporosis Foundation

North American Menopause Society

Providing these links does not constitute an endorsement of the organization(s) listed. This information is not to be considered a substitute for individual medical advice.