Obstetrical Fees:
Basic Office Care and Delivery Fee: $2500.00
Which includes
- Complete physical examination and medical history
- Regular prenatal office visits: monthly until 28 weeks; every 2-3 weeks until 36 weeks; then weekly.
- Each visit will include routine urine dip stick, blood pressure check, weight and a fundal height measurement.
- Pelvic exams are routinely done at the first visit and weekly starting at 36 weeks until delivery Delivery of the infant Postpartum visits as indicated through 6 weeks post-partum.
- Your physician may find it medically necessary to order additional tests which are not covered under the “global” fee detailed above.
These tests include
- First visit: OB profile (complete blood count, rubella titer, initial anti-body screen, blood type & Rh factor, & syphilis screening), urinalysis with culture, hepatitis screen, and HIV.
- 24-28 week visit: A one hour glucose tolerance test to screen for pregnancy induced diabetes and a blood count.
- 36-38 weeks: Cervical culture for Group B Beta Strep Quad (done at 16-18 weeks); All antibody screens after the initial one for Rh negative patients.
- Cervical culture for Group B Beta Strep at anytime after 36 wks. gestation Creatinine clearance or Serum Creatinine
- 3 hour glucose tolerance test (done if you fail the I hour test)
- Herpes titer/culture or Cervial culture (Wet prep)
- Non stress test and/or contraction stress test
- Pap smear (postpartum or recheck abnormal pap)
- RhoGam injection
- Urine culture (in case of bladder infection)
The above tests are not included in the standard OB fee because they are not indicated in all patients.
Other Fees
- Tubal ligation (if elected by patient)
- Medications/injections administered in the office
- Childbirth education classes
- Hospital care other than associated with delivery
- Epidural anesthesia (fee charged by hospital)
- Fees charged by hospital for delivery.
There is a discounted fee for cash paying patients. Please contact our office at (817) 468-4689.
For patients without insurance coverage, a $600.00 deposit is due at the first visit. The remaining balance is due by the 28th week.
For patients with insurance coverage, we require that you contact your carrier to determine what, if any, portion of our fee is patient responsibility. This amount will be collected from you prior to completion of your 28th week of pregnancy.
It is our goal to serve you to the fullest. We hope we meet your standard of excellence. We will be glad to answer any questions you may have. A price list of the tests not included in our OB fees is available upon request.
Important Numbers
Office Number (817) 468-4689
Answering Service (817) 679-0175
Labor and Delivery (817) 472-4893